Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shooters Club

First the Plastic King this morning, when I have a green initiative, and now Salim brings me to the National Shooters Federation Dinner. WTF?! He completely forgot that I had a charity organization called Guns 4 Cameras. But he wanted me to meet and have dinner with the Major General of their Government's Army. It was a very private 50 person dinner. I know the room looks empty now, but it quickly filled up. Nothing but bank owners, chairmans and political figures. After I reminded Salim of G4C halfway through the dinner, his faced dropped and he gave me a very sincere apology. I almost felt bad that he seemed so sorry. He truly is a good person with good intentions but just isn't fully aware sometimes. I think I made him a little nervous, at the end after the presentation, they welcomed comments from the attendees and I put my hand up. LOL I was definitely gonna play the Shooters Club. I am not necessarily against guns in all respects, I just don't think they should be in the hands of young kids. Well then again, no man should have the power to take someone's life...so on second thought, yeah guns suck! And Cops should only have Tasers. That's my Gun Policy. Vote for Hezues R'

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