Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shooters Club

First the Plastic King this morning, when I have a green initiative, and now Salim brings me to the National Shooters Federation Dinner. WTF?! He completely forgot that I had a charity organization called Guns 4 Cameras. But he wanted me to meet and have dinner with the Major General of their Government's Army. It was a very private 50 person dinner. I know the room looks empty now, but it quickly filled up. Nothing but bank owners, chairmans and political figures. After I reminded Salim of G4C halfway through the dinner, his faced dropped and he gave me a very sincere apology. I almost felt bad that he seemed so sorry. He truly is a good person with good intentions but just isn't fully aware sometimes. I think I made him a little nervous, at the end after the presentation, they welcomed comments from the attendees and I put my hand up. LOL I was definitely gonna play the Shooters Club. I am not necessarily against guns in all respects, I just don't think they should be in the hands of young kids. Well then again, no man should have the power to take someone's life...so on second thought, yeah guns suck! And Cops should only have Tasers. That's my Gun Policy. Vote for Hezues R'

Eye On Me

While I was waiting for the lights to come back on, I put my head down to rest and collect my thoughts, when my colleagues decided to imitate my blog. Yeah it's pretty funny, they got me. LOL

Lights Out

The things we take for granted. In Bangladesh, they have an issue with the power supply, so it is very common for the lights to go out several times a day. Then you have to wait for the generators to come on. The gentleman speaking, M. Hamid, who is the CEO of R TV, is giving me the rundown of air times for the news piece that I was just interviewed for. I am being interviewed at all the major news stations in addition to several scheduled press conferences I have to attend this week.

Plastic King

This guy (who handed me the cookies, which are from another company he owns) makes all the plastic for Tyco, Coca Cola etc. I was getting ready to tell him how much his plastic is f*in up the environment, but then I didn't want to be rude. It wasn't the time or place. I would have to arrange another meeting with him to discuss developing bio-plastics and other packaging alternatives. It's not always about the money for me, you have to be conscious in some respects. He was a nice guy either way. Salim is just introducing me to anybody and everybody who's major in his country... not always necessarily being people I want or care to do business with.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bangladesh Partnership

I am signing a three way partnership with Eye On It ® to JB Group and Antar Show Biz to bring Bangladesh Entertainment to the Global Market.  My company will be responsible for developing media and entertainment strategies, as well as producing content.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Shopping in Bangladesh

Just what D Goldie said : "We getting Sandles, you know we gonna walk the town with our robes on and our Sandles"

Security Printing Factory

Yeah, he said 70 million dollar machine!  This is one of many factories Salim owns in Bangladesh.  This location is spread over 73 acres.


Very hot!

I Pray For You

My brother Salim shares his culture and his heart.  He calls me Heshu instead of Hezues, that's like his nickname for me.

Hezues R' House in Bangladesh

Salim is trying to get me to move to Bangladesh. LOL  So he presented me with a house.  I don't know, maybe I could do a couple weeks out of the year, but move???  I love NY too much.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hezues R' does the News

Since I am getting a VIP Tour of all the studio facilities, I thought I would play around a bit behind the news desk.  In another life, maybe I would of been a weather man.

1st Day in Bangladesh

Warm welcome from my brother Salim.  I haven't seen him in 4 years, so he is obviously excited to see me in Bangladesh.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Flowers at the Gate

Just got off the plane in Bangladesh and Salim had girls waiting at the gate to welcome us and give us flowers.  There's a huge crowd of people outside awaiting our arrival... seriously, I am not kidding, my partner out here actually had it announced on the news that we were coming.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

International Flight

Just got on the plane leaving out of JFK in NY, I am traveling with D Goldie and Mr. E.  14 hour flight to Dubai and then another 4-5 hours to Bangladesh.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Shots for Trip

My personal photographer and assistant for my trip to Bangladesh, Wendy C. and I are getting recommended shots for travel.  The doctor was really cool, I should cast him for something, maybe a part in the next feature I Direct.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

J Thurzday CREW

I am up at 2am...editing something as usual. Right now Johnny Thurzday, Suits and Struts are all over as we go through the footage to edit the music video that will accompany the film CREW.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

G4C Planning Meeting

The Urban World Film Festival recently signed a three year partnership with BET and were looking to bring on a third partner as the charity component to their collaboration. Their Executive Director (thank you Gabby) made an excellent choice in having Guns 4 Cameras to be that partner. I just finished a meeting with some of our key volunteers for G4C to discuss the plan of action for the coming weeks to address the requests and deadlines of the festival for our participation.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Contact Sheets

So I had a photo shoot over the weekend, which my friend Wendy C. set up for me. Right now I am meeting with her partner and photographer, Mauricio Quintero at a Starbucks here on Queens Blvd. I am about to see the contact sheets for the film images, for the very first time. The other photos they took on the digital camera looked amazing, so I imagine that these will be just as good. If you need great photos, look them up on Dripbook, tell them Eye On It sent you.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Angelo Ellerbee

Legendary Publicist, Angelo Ellerbee, takes a moment to speak about my philanthropic efforts. I am at his office right now on 34th street, discussing some of my future business endeavors and the associated PR strategy I will take to develop my brand. Angelo has worked with everyone form the likes of Michael Jackson and DMX to Mary J. Blidge. He is a very successful and respected authority in the music and entertainment industries.

Jump Shot

Note: I said how to shoot a jump shot...I didn't say make it. LOL What's really funny though, is how my friend Matt, who is shooting the video suggests intercutting a close-up of the shot actually going in. Yeah of course I could of just did the video over and made the shot, but I think this better represents my view on life. That is, it's not always about winning, but just taking the shot in the first place. So enjoy this video of me missing a jump shot...it is a very RARE occasion.