Saturday, June 14, 2008

WRC Pilot

Yes, the Chef and I are back it! If you follow my blog, you may recall that we signed a three (3) season deal for the What's Really Cooking? Show back in November of 2007. Well, the Network we originally signed to (RHN) and their CEO (Aton Muhammed) were completely full of sh*t! They breached their contract with us, to the tune of $9,464,000 (counting one hundred and eighty two (182) missed scheduled air-dates...and that was just the first season). But I don't harbor on negative energy, so I pushed forward to get a new look with BET, as they have been maintaining an interest with us. Right now the Chef and I are shooting at a beautiful 2.5 Million dollar apartment (the Penthouse) at Chatham 44 (on 44th and 10th Ave in Manhattan) courtesy of my good friend Jonathan Stern of Patience and Fortitude.

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